
Update to My Caddy Image

Project status update for alexandzors/caddy


Wanted to drop a quick update while I’m currently busy with some work/life stuff. Hence, the lack of posts since December. Anyhow, my third party image for Caddy now supports arm64! You can pull the image using the tag(s):

  • v#.#.#-arm64
  • latest-arm64

An arm64 binary is also available on the releases page. Support for Windows Containers is currently not planned. Though I am welcome to a PR to update the workflow to support it.

As you can see above, my image now tags the version of Caddy when pushing the images to Docker hub starting with v2.7.6. This is so you can pull a tagged version instead of just using latest if you need a specific version. My image will always build with stable versions of Caddy. It skips all pre-release versions. If you run into issues with the image, please reach out via a GitHub issue or email!

Module updates

The module RussellLuo/caddy-ext/ratelimit was replaced with mholt/caddy-ratelimit.

Third Party Note

This is a third party build for Caddy. Please do not use this in a production environment. This is merely available for me and anyone else that needs a quick docker image / binary with the below plugins already installed. You can always use the download page to generate your own binary or use the official Docker image.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.